The organizational structure of the Underwater Archaeological Society is intended to be flexible. At present there are three chapters: Southern Vancouver Island, the Lower Mainland, and the Southern Interior. These units are based around a group of members that we can draw upon to attend exploration projects.
The UASBC is made up of people, and people's time, energy and interests vary over time. Thus, the number of members in a given area ebb and flow with the years. In the past there have been chapters in the Kootenays, Central Vancouver Island, and the Okanagan. The UASBC’s intent is to foster explorations in any area, where a keen group of people want to do the work, and write the reports. The UASBC funds each of its chapters, and when a group is truly keen the work may extend all the way to writing a publication.
The UASBC is always looking for new members. Whenever a new set of people show interest in pursuing the UASBC's goals, they are welcomed with open arms. After getting to know each other, to ensure that the objectives are the same, funding may be offered or a chapter formed. Most recently the deep water technical divers of the Shipwreck Exploration Team (SET) made overtures and were accepted as a parallel group.
Wherever you are in British Columbia, we hope you can
join us!